
Our vision for Australia is that our streets make people of all ages and abilities feel welcome, safe, and comfortable to walk, cycle and rest.

Streets play a crucial role in enhancing our quality of life. They serve as connectors between places, facilitate social interaction, and contribute to the overall aesthetic and functionality of a community. Well designed streets can promote people to walk, engage in outdoor activity, which can lead to improved physical health. Streets that prioritise public transportation, walking, and cycling can reduce reliance on cars, thereby decreasing vehicle emissions and improving air quality, which has positive health implications.

Our Mission

Our mission is to actively advocate for governments at all levels – federal, state and local - to significantly increase funding and delivery priorities for infrastructure, initiatives that support better streets for all and to adopt our recommendations.

We believe that these changes are not only essential for creating a more sustainable, healthy, and equitable Australia, but they’re also completely achievable through the adoption of better ideas, better conversations and better action.

What we do

Better Streets is the peak body for accelerating the adoption of safe, healthy, people-friendly, climate-friendly streets, across the country. Our policy experts, planning advisors and communicators liaise with media, advocates, community groups and businesses to help shape strategies and programs that lead to Better Streets. 

We educate, connect and empower our coalition of community groups, businesses, decision-makers and individuals to take more effective, scalable action to improve our streets.

We are building a coalition of groups, businesses and individuals for Better Streets in Australia. Our coalition model and educational approach are the most effective way to ensure decision-makers and community leaders not only understand the opportunities but are well-equipped to shape a better future for our cities and towns.

We meet with decision makers to educate and support better decisions that align with our recommendations. We collaborate regularly with governments at all levels, providing research, education, case studies, tools, resources, community support and constructive, practical feedback.

We provide resources to educate and support people taking action.

We provide knowledge sharing opportunities for our members through events, in person, online and provide a space for members to connect.

Who are we  

Better Streets is a registered charity with the Australian Charity and Not-For-Profits Commission.

ABN: 91 778 269 030

Privacy policy
Social media policy

Board of Directors

  • Sara Stace

    Sara Stace - President

    ​Sara Stace is a city shaper with extensive knowledge about cities, land use, and urban transport. She has worked at federal, state and local government, and the private sector for over 25 years. She is a registered Architect with a passion for creating better streets for every body.

    Sara is Treasurer of the World Cycling Alliance (not-for-profit based in Belgium), and former chair of Cycling Walking Australia New Zealand (CWANZ) comprising every state government and the NZ Government. She has written and co-authored over 20 publications including for United Nations and the Australian Government.

    Sara joined Better Streets because, when when she was working for the Australian Government’s Major Cities Unit 15 years ago, she realised that the most impactful difference we could make to people’s lived daily experience is by making better, walkable streets for every community.

  • Sam Johnson

    Sam Johnson - Vice President

    With a robust background in civil engineering, sustainable transport, and urban planning, Sam is eager to contribute his skills and experience to further the mission of creating safer, more vibrant, and sustainable streets across Australia. As a Sustainable Transport Specialist at the World Bank Group, Sam led and supported numerous projects aimed at enhancing transport systems in various countries, including China, and several Pacific Island nations. 

    He has seen firsthand the transformative impact of prioritising active mobility and public transport over car-centric urban design. He co-wrote the "Guide to Mobility for Livable Pacific Cities". Sam has a Masters in Global Development Practice from Harvard University.

  • John McNeil - Secretary

    ​John retired to Sydney after 40 years as a consultant specialising in process-improvement and marketing, in the Northeast United States. He now lives in Annandale with his wife, near his daughter and grandchildren.

    He has broad analytical skills including statistical analysis and Geographic Information Systems which help him in his work on Bicycle Advocacy and First Nations rights.

    John has degrees in Electrical Engineering and Accounting from the University of Newcastle, and is a Certified Management Accountant (USA).

  • Jullietta Jung

    Jullietta Jung - Treasurer

    Jullietta is a sustainable mobility professional with over a decade of experience working with governments in Australia to deliver high-impact active transport projects and programs and strategic investment decisions aimed at urban transformation to improve the liveability of cities.

    Jullietta has a degree in Software Engineering from the University of Sydney, Australia, and a Master’s in Urban Development from RMIT, Australia. Her journey to sustainable transport was spearheaded by her social movement in Sydney that encouraged people of diverse backgrounds to adopt cycling as a mode of transport.