Find local groups in your area

How to start a Better Streets group

Decide on your region or area

For example, if there are no local groups near you and you live in Brisbane, use the name Bathhurst or you could use your local sub-region or suburb.

Decide on your name

Use the region, sub-region or suburb name with the following naming convention Better Streets XXXXX, for example, Better Streets South Bathhurst.

Get a free email address

Sign up for a free email address with your new groups name like

Get free social media accounts

Using your new email address, start new social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. Make similar handles like @betterstreetsbathurst using the same naming convention.

Announce your group to Better Streets

Download Slack, the Better Streets Australia communications platform. Join Better Streets Slack. Introduce yourself in the channel #1-intros. Then make an announcement on the channel #2-announcements.

Introduce yourself to your community

Introduce your new group to your community via social media, invite people to follow, subscribe to your newsletter, or meet up in person.

Discussions and meetings

Start discussions and meetings with residents, businesses and councillors.

Start an email distribution list

Start a simple email distribution list using a spreadsheet or Google Mail.

Apply for a Better Streets Website page

Fill out the online form to apply for your local groups page on the Better Streets Australia website. Follow, like, and share posts from other Better Streets Australia and Better Streets Local Groups. Need help, contact us.

Apply for a local group website page

You will need to supply the following information to enable a website page for your new local group.

Please contact us if you have any queries.

NB. Refer to other local group pages for inspiration and ideas.