Better Streets Lewisham
Lewisham Better Streets provides a community voice for improved safety and amenity in Lewisham. We support projects that will improved streetscapes for residents and businesses.
Our objective is a revitalised heart with thriving local art, design and food businesses and a neighbourhood that is vibrant, walkable, safe, attractive, green, rich in heritage and art, and convivial.
Lewisham Better Streets asks Inner West Council and Transport for NSW:
to increase wombat (raised zebra) crossings and continuous footpath treatments around Lewisham Station and connecting to bus stops, light rail and the GreenWay
to improve the safety at the West Street/Railway Terrace signalised crossing;
to coordinate Lewisham Station upgrade works with an upgraded Lewisham Town Centre with wider footpaths and a public square/community gathering space with shade trees and public art
Better Streets Lewisham posts frequent updates, and may be contacted via Facebook Page.
For comment or media, please contact us at lewishambetterstreets@gmail.com
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