People playing chess on the street

Better Streets Lewisham

Lewisham Better Streets provides a community voice for improved safety and amenity in Lewisham. We support projects that will improved streetscapes for residents and businesses.

Our objective is a revitalised heart with thriving local art, design and food businesses and a neighbourhood that is vibrant, walkable, safe, attractive, green, rich in heritage and art, and convivial.

  • Lewisham Better Streets asks Inner West Council and Transport for NSW:

    • to increase wombat (raised zebra) crossings and continuous footpath treatments around Lewisham Station and connecting to bus stops, light rail and the GreenWay

    • to improve the safety at the West Street/Railway Terrace signalised crossing;

    • to coordinate Lewisham Station upgrade works with an upgraded Lewisham Town Centre with wider footpaths and a public square/community gathering space with shade trees and public art

  • Better Streets Lewisham posts frequent updates, and may be contacted via Facebook Page.

    For comment or media, please contact us at

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