Better Streets Australia

Australia’s peak body for safer, healthier and more sustainable streets.

Our recommendations

Better Streets Australia has five key recommendations for federal, state and local governments.

  • Get kids active  Encourage 75% of children to walk, cycle, scoot, or take public transport to school everyday, setting them up for healthy habits for life.

  • Slow vehicles down Adopt 30km/h speeds for local residential streets, and urban centres to significantly reduce avoidable injuries and fatalities. 

  • Boost local businesses Improve and expand beautiful streetscapes that people enjoy spending time and money in. ​

  • Make more crossings Encourage walking and improve safety with 20 new or improved crossings in each council each year.

  • Provide transport choices Add another 1,000 kilometres of connected safe, and direct cycle & micro-mobility routes per year. 

What’s happening?

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