
There are many schools that have successfully improved their uptake of kids walking, cycling and scooting to school. Examples below:

Increasing active travel uptake

Crown Street Public School in Sydney, NSW is located on a protected cycleway. They have fantastic uptake of children using the cycleway to get to school.

They have a dedicated school webpage on location and transport, including active travel information.

Bike Buses

Bike buses are when a group of people ride their bikes together to a location like an invisible bus.

Lathlain Primary School in Carlisle, WA runs a weekly bike bus every Friday morning.

They are supported by the WA Department of Education, and have a thorough outline of information on their website including Benefits, Safety, How to Join, Etiquette and a FAQ.

Hands up survey

Your Move (WA Department of Transport)

Your Move is a free program that provides information and support to help you find healthier, more active ways to get around. Includes Hands Up survey, Activity Planner, Online rewards plan, Connecting Schools Grants.

NSW Health: Children active travel

Children's local active travel to places they regularly go to provides significant health benefits from physical activity, can improve concentration, increase independence and positive self-esteem, and contribute to safe mobility.


Ride2School day

Ride2School is a nationwide program delivered by Bicycle Network, designed to support schools to encourage, empower and enable more students to get physically active on their journey to school. The date is usually scheduled for mid-late March.

Walk Safely to School day

National Walk Safely to School day (WSTSD) is an annual national event when all Primary School children will be encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. It is a Community Event seeking to promote Road Safety, Health, Public Transport and the Environment. The date usually aligns with National Road Safety Week in May.


Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance

The Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance is a network of researchers, health professionals and stakeholders who are working together to advance physical activity in children and youth from around the world.