Better Streets Annual General Meeting

The Better Streets Annual General Meeting (AGM)  will be held online on Sunday September 15th, 2024 at 6 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), 4 pm Australian Western Standard Time (AWST). 

You can join the meeting here: 

Sunday, 15 September, 2024 · 6:00 – 7:00pm

Google Meet joining info

Video call link:

Or dial: ‪(AU) +61 3 8594 6817‬ PIN: ‪518 023 042‬#


Annual General Meeting Agenda

  1. Opening the Meeting: Our chairperson officially opens the meeting.

  2. Apologies: Acknowledgment of any members who cannot attend.

  3. Chairperson’s Report: Report on the charity's activities and achievements over the past year (FY23/24)

  4. Financial Statements: Presentation of the financial statements and auditor's report, detailing the charity's financial health.

  5. Election of Office Bearers: Elections for key positions: chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and four other committee members.

  6. Other Business: Discussion of any other matters raised by members and guests, including petitions, presentations, or special resolutions.

  7. Questions from Members and guests: An opportunity for members and guests to ask questions or raise concerns.

  8. Closure of the Meeting: Official conclusion of the AGM.



In our first two years of operation, Better Streets has had the seven statutory minimum number of members. After this meeting, we will accept applications for membership. Membership is free but we do accept donation which will support Better Streets with operations including holding events, sharing resources, operating the website and our resources development. 

To become a member:

Send us an email to with the following information:

Subject: Membership




Why you want to become a Better Streets member:


A victory for kids walking to school


100 transport & urban academics call on the government to reduce default road speeds.