Lewisham Better Streets
Locals playing chess at the cafe on a quiet street in Lewisham, NSW.
In 2023 a few neighbours started chatting about improving our neighbourhood (Lewisham NSW), under the banner Lewisham Better Streets. We asked the Inner West Council and Transport for NSW (TfNSW) for various walking safety improvements, which got us some small wins, though not everything we wanted.
In 2024 came a big opportunity when TfNSW consulted on the Lewisham station upgrade. We put together a comprehensive submission supporting the project but also asking for improved accessibility to interchange with bus and light rail, including wider footpaths and more crossings, and for TfNSW to work with Inner West Council to masterplan and upgrade the town centre at the same time, rather than doing abortive or disconnected works. We met with councillors and got support.
In November 2024, Council endorsed the preparation of a masterplan for a future Lewisham Town Centre, with community consultation in early 2025. They've even allocated a budget for early works construction. It's a great chance to reallocate much of the road space near the station to walking and social space, hopefully with trees and artworks, as well as outdoor space for existing and forthcoming businesses.
We letterboxed 550 homes with a flyer to inform people council consultation is coming, so they can prepare their ideas. On 9 February 2025, we'll have a street-side "kitchen table chat" to encourage everyone to share their ideas. We know a few people are opposed to changes, but we hope that getting everyone talking will be a solution.
Lewisham Better Streets now has a facebook page, somewhere public where people can see what we've done, read our submissions and contribute ideas and suggestions.
We've been pleasantly surprised that our efforts have got so much traction so quickly. So, if you want change, get together, set a few priorities, make a plan, and get active. More power to your collective elbows.