Let’s Pedal Together: Building a Better Cycling Network in the Inner West

Sydney’s Inner West - known for its eclectic mix of street art, heritage homes, breweries and countless cafes - is surprisingly car dependent. Read on to help us make it a better place to walk and ride

Did you know that around 60% of car trips in Sydney’s Inner West are under 5 kilometres? That’s a short distance – perfect for hopping on a bike! But here’s the catch: our street designs prioritise driving over walking and riding a bicycle... 

This means pedestrians have to cross wide streets without protection, and bike riders are often squeezed between parked cars and speeding drivers. 

The Inner West’s bike advocates have been inspired by our neighbours in the City of Sydney. They’ve shown us that high-quality cycleways can be built rapidly, transforming the way people move around the city. Safer infrastructure means more riders, less congestion, better health outcomes, and increased independence for students and mobility scooter users, too!

The Inner West Council has worked hard on a Cycling Strategy, but we've yet to see much action on the ground. With a train line closing for upgrades, and new urban highways causing unprecedented congestion, the Inner West Bicycle Coalition has started a petition to show council that we want and need more cycleways now!

Join us in creating a safer, greener, and happier Inner West. Sign the petition, share it with your friends, and let’s pedal toward a brighter future!

👉 Sign the Petition here: https://www.change.org/SafeCyclingInnerWest 

At its meeting on 4 June 2024, the Inner West Council unanimously voted for the motion raised by Councillors Dylan Griffiths and Tim Stephens on our petition. The council resolution acknowledged our petition and has requested council staff to produce a report outlining opportunities to accelerate cycleway delivery. However, we need more than a report to improve our streets!

Whether you’re a school kid, a daily commuter, or a cargo-bike enthusiast with toddlers, pets, or groceries, we want you to reach your destination safely and with a smile.

Remember, every signature counts! Together, we’ll turn our streets into vibrant, bike-friendly corridors. 🌟

Happy cycling! 

Riders in Sydney’s Inner West gather before riding to a council meeting to present their petition for action on progressing the Council’s cycling strategy.


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