Better Streets Australia

We bring together a diverse range of organisations and individuals who champion safe, healthy and loveable streets.

We’re united around a vision that every Australian community deserves streets that are welcoming to people of all ages and abilities, better for the environment, and support local businesses to thrive.

We provide the resources to advocate for positive changes to the streets and neighbourhoods you care about. Better streets are just around the corner.

Our recommendations

Better Streets Australia has five key recommendations for Federal, State, Territory and local governments.

Get kids active

Set lifelong healthy habits and reduce local traffic, by enabling 75% of school children to walk, ride or take public transport.

Slow vehicles down 

Make local streets and shopping precincts safer and quieter with 30 km/hr speed limits.

Boost local businesses

Support local businesses by improving streetscapes, so that people enjoy getting out and about - and spending - in their neighbourhood.

Make more crossings 

Make it easy and convenient to walk and cross the street in any neighbourhood.

Provide transport choices 

Make it easy and safe to ride by building a connected, direct and convenient cycling network for people of all ages and abilities.

What’s happening?

Get involved

Find our how you can make a difference in your community now...

Our coalition members

We are building a coalition of groups, businesses and individuals for Better Streets in Australia. Our coalition model and educational approach are the most effective way to ensure decision-makers and community leaders not only understand the opportunities but are well-equipped to shape a better future for our cities and towns.

Learn more about the coalition members and how you can join here.

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